Legal basis is the Trademark Act, in force since June 12, 1998 and amended on April 3, 2009 and December 28, 2013. Azerbaijan is a member of the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol.Trademark protection is obtained by registration.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Full legal name and address and nationality of the applicant.
- Prints of the trademark
- A list of the goods/services classified in accordance with Nice Classification.
- The Power of Attorney (no legalization or notarization is required) may be submitted at filing or within two months.
- If priority is claimed- the priority document may be filed along with an application or within three months from the filing date. The translation of the document submitted in other languages should be provided into Azerbaijani language within two months after the date of document submission.
- The application is filed at the Patent Office.
- The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks.
- The time frame required for completing a registration process is approximately 9 - 12 months from the filing date of an application
- After registration, the trademark is published in the Patent Office Bulletin.
Duration and Renewal: The duration of the trademark registration is 10 years as of the filing date of an application.
Fee Structure
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