
Trademark Protection in Bahrain is governed by Law No. 11 of 2006, issued on May 31, 2006. Ministerial Decision No. 40 of 2005 raising the Official Trademark Fees in Bahrain was issued on December 26th, 2005, was published in the Official Gazette No 2720 on January 4th, 2006, and became effective on the same date. Bahrain is a member of Paris Convention.

 Trademark registration classification:

Nice Classification


  • The full name, address, nationality and profession of the applicant
  • A list of the goods to be covered by the application
  • Prints of trademark/service mark
  • A power of attorney duly notarized and legalized up to the Bahrain Consulate is required
  • A certified copy of the home registration or any foreign registration of the trademark (except from boycotted countries). If the registration certificate is not available, one of the following documents can be used, provided that the specifications of goods or the line of activity of the applicant is stated thereon and that these are legalized up to the Consulate of Bahrain or any other Arab consulate in the country of the applicant:

a. A certificate of incorporation of the applicant company.
b. A certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies. 
c. An extract of the entry of the applicant company in the Commercial Register.
d. A certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce.


  • The application is filed at the Bahrain Trademark Office by a local agent.
  • A separate application is to be filed for each class of goods or services.
  • Once a trade/service mark application is filed, the trademark is examined as to its registrability.
  • Trademark applications accepted by the Registrar are published in the Official Gazette.
  • In the absence of opposition, a published trademark is registered, and the certificate of registration is issued.
  • The processing time from first filing to registration is approx. 14 to 18 months.

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years as of the date of filing the application, and it can be renewed for periods of 10 years each.

 Fee Structure 
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