Law on Patents (Official Gazette "Sl. glasnik BiH" No. 53, June 29, 2010), in force since January 1, 2011.Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of the Madrid Protocol.Trademark protection is obtained by Trademark registration.
Trademark registration classification:
Nice Classification
- Name,address,nationality and status of the Applicant.
- A representation of the trademark.
- List of goods/services according to the International Classification.
- Power of Attorney, no legalization (can be subsequently filed)
- Certified copy of the priority application(s), if any.
- The application is filed at the Institute of Intellectual Property Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Multiple-class applications are possible.
- The application process includes a formal examination and an examination as to absolute grounds (eg. distinctiveness).
- After the examination on absolute grounds, the trademark is published in the official Gazette for opposition.
- Registration is the final step that comes after the opposition period has expired.
- The processing time from first filing to registration or first office action is approx. 1 to 2 years.
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of application. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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