
Legal basis is the Trademark Act of January 10, 1964 (several amendments thereafter). All obligatory and most optional regulations of the “Council Directive 89/104/EEC” were put into effect.Finland is a member of the Madrid Protocol and the European Union. 

Trademark registration classification:



  • Applicant’s trade name, street address, home municipality and company form. 
  • Precise goods and/or services to be covered by each class of interest,
  • Literal denomination of the trademark / logo.
  • A power of attorney signed by the applicant (no notarization or legalization is necessary, possibility for late filing).


  • A trademark application has to be filed before the Patent Office by a local agent.
  • The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness.
  • After filing, the trademark is published in the trademark journal.
  • The opposition period is 2 months from the publication of the trademark registration.
  • In absence of opposition and in case the official registration paid the trademark is registered and the certificate is issued.
  • The processing time from application to registration (smooth case) is approximately 6-10 months.

Duration and Renewal: Protection begins with the date of application (or possible earlier priority date). A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of registration. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.


 Fee Structure 
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