Legal basis is the Trademark Act of August 1st, 2001. Trademark protection is obtained by registration. Indonesia follows the first-to-file system.International Registration is not yet applicable in Indonesia.
Trademark registration classification
Nice Classification
- Full name and address of applicant.
- List of goods and/or classes to be covered by the application.
- A soft copy of the trademark in JPEG format.
- A simply signed Power of Attorney.
- Certified copy of Priority Document (if the application claims priority rights).
- The application is filed at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights.
- Foreign applicants must file an application via a local trademark agent appointed as their proxy.
- The application process includes Formality examination and Substantive examination.
- Once your trademark has been accepted for registration, it will be published on the journal for 3 months.
- The registration of a trademark may be opposed within 3 months of the date of its publication by any interested party
- Time frame for registration (smooth sailing) is approximately 18-24 months.
Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from filing date. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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