Legal basis is a new Intellectual Property Law “The Law of Registration of Patents, Industrial Designs and Trademarks”, in force since May 2008 and the respective executive By-Laws.Iran is a member of the Paris Convention, Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol.
Trademark registration classification
Nice Classification
- Name, profession, address and nationality of the owner of the trademark.
- List of goods and/or services and related classes.
- A sample of the Trademark. Description of colors (if color mark is to be filed).
- A power of attorney, executed by applicant, notarized and then legalized by the Iranian Consulate is required.
- A legalized copy of the Certificate of Incorporation in the home country is required.
- A trademark application undergoes examination on absolute and relative grounds.
- An examined application will be published in the Trademark Gazette for opposition purposes.
- The opposition period is 30 days from publication date of the notice of application in the Trade Mark Gazette.
- If no opposition is filed, the Trademark will be registered and the certificate will be issued.
- The time frame for a trademark application to mature registration is approx. 8 months.
Duration and Renewal: A registered trade mark is protected from the date of application. A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from date of application. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.
Fee Structure
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