
Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in force since August 21, 1999, amended on July 9, 2004, March 2, 2007, January 31, 2012 and April 20, 2015.

Trademark registration classification:

Nice Classification


  • Name and address of the applicant.
  • Prints of the trademark.
  • List of goods and/or services in accordance with the international classification.
  • Certified copy of priority document if priority is to be claimed (may be filed to the Kazakh Trademark Office within three months from the filing date).
  • Signed and stamped Power of Attorney, in case the stamp is not available POA must be notarized. Legalization is not required (may be filed to the Kazakh Trademark Office within two months from the filing date).


  • The application is filed at the National Institute of Intellectual Property.
  • An examination of the application shall be carried out  by the Patent Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and it includes formal examination and a substantive examination. 
  • Upon the trademark application being accepted for registration, the details of the application are entered in the trademark journal and advertised in the official Gazette.
  • oppositions against any trademark are possible at any time. If the trademark is opposed as confusingly similar to an earlier registration, then it may be opposed within 5 years from its registration.
  • The entire procedure of trademark registration in Kazakhstan takes from 19 to 23 months.

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from date of application. The registration is renewable for periods of 10 years.


 Fee Structure 
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