
Legal basis are the Trademarks and Commercial Indications Laws amending the Trademarks and Descriptions Law No. 21 of 1957, on June 7th, 2010. Trademark protection is obtained by registration.Iraq is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.

Trademark Registration Classification:

Nice Classification


  • A photocopy of proof of identity of the applicant (passport for individual and business registration certificate/licence for corporation).
  • A soft copy of the trademark in JPEG format.
  • The classes and sub classes of the goods to be covered by the application. 
  • A certified copy of the priority document must be submitted in case it is claimed.
  • A Power of Attorney (POA) duly signed by the applicant and legalized up to the Consulate of Iraq or Jordanian Consulate.


  • The application process includes a formal examination, an examination of distinctiveness and a search for prior trademarks. 
  • Once your trademark has been accepted after the examination, it will be published on the official gazette for 90 days. 
  • If no objection by a 3rd party, a registration certificate will be issued by Intellectual Property Department. 
  • The approximate time frame for completing the registration process of a trademark in Iraq is from 1.5 to 2 years.

Duration and Renewal: A trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of application. Renewal is possible for periods of 10 years. Trademarks filed or registered before April 26th, 2004, will remain valid according to the old law for 15 years, but are renewable for further terms of 10 years.


 Fee Structure 
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