
The Trademark Act of 1996 (in force since July 1, 1996) and the Trade Mark Rules 1996, as amended governs trademark law in Ireland. The act was enacted primarily to implement the First Trademark Directive (89/104/EEC), which introduced common standards on substantive trademark law throughout the European Union. Ireland is a member of the Madrid Protocol and the European Union.

Trademark registration classification: 

Nice Classification


  • The name and address of the person requesting the registration.
  • A representation of the mark.
  • A statement or list of the goods and/or services for which registration of the mark is sought.
  • Please note that a Power of Attorney is not required for Irish. 
  • If priority is claimed, a certified copy of the basic application or registration on which the claim to priority is based must be filed in support of Irish and UK applications, together with a certified translation into English if the priority document is in a language other than English. If the priority document is not available at the time of filing it may be submitted within three months of the filing date without incurring a late filing charge. 


  • The trademark application is filed before the Irish Patents Office.
  • Irish trade mark applications are examined on absolute grounds and on relative grounds.
  • If the registration requirements are met, the application is accepted and allowed to proceed to publication in the Patents Office Journal.
  • The purpose of publication is to give third parties an opportunity to oppose an application before it can proceed to registration.
  • The opposition period is for 3 months from the publication date.
  • If there is no opposition, or if any oppositions are withdrawn or decided in favor of the applicant, a registration certificate will issue upon payment of the final registration fee.
  • It takes approximately 12 months from first filing to registration.

Duration and Renewal:The duration of trademark protection is 10 years from the date of registration, and the registration is renewable for successive 10-year periods.

 Fee Structure 
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