OMMP Program

Optimal Marketing Man Preparation Program


This program is targeting to support faculty of commerce students of various specializations including business administration, marketing, accounting, who study at both local and international universities, and who have the desire to learn applications of marketing strategies in real life and intellectual property by specialized experts and under joint supervision of their universities.

The Training and Rehabilitation Center at the Royal Brand Corporation organizes courses of marketing and intellectual property within specific times while the students are completing their university studies.

Objectives and Characteristics of the Program

    1. This Program aims at helping university students to acquire wide practical experience in the fields of marketing and intellectual property such as trademarks, patents, domain names, copyrights and others.

    2. The Program also aims at developing their skills and capabilities. In addition, it promotes their self-confidence by placing them within a real work environment.

    3. The Program guarantees to a large extent that the trainee shall have a job opportunity at one of the Corporation offices.

    4. The Program supplies all the required training materials in addition to symbolic salaries for trainees.

  • Terms and Conditions

  1. Applicants to the Program shall have finished at least 60 academic hours or equivalent at a minimum evaluation of Good.

  2. Applicants must master English in writing and speaking fluently.

  3. Applicants must be students at faculties of commerce. Marketing specialization is a privilege.

  4. Applicants must pass successfully the Program Capabilities Test.

  5. Applicants must supply a non-impedimenta letter from their universities.